Link your Account with an ACT Health Account

If you work for ACT Health, you can link your ACT Health account to your Canberra Script account so that you can sign in with either account. Once you establish the link, then when you are working for ACT Health, you can use Single Sign-On (SSO) for a faster login experience.

Link your account

Before you can link your account, you need to be logged in with your primary account. Your primary account is the username and password that you registered with and is not an ACT Health email address.

  1. From the user profile menu (top right), select Linked Accounts.

    The Manage Linked User Accounts screen displays.

  2. Click Link my ACT Health account.

  3. Enter your ACT Health Username or ACTGOV account and click Continue.

    If you are already logged into another application using your SSO credentials, you will be automatically logged in.

  4. Enter your Password and click Enter.

    An Account Linked message displays.

  5. Click Continue.

Log in with an ACT Health account and set a PIN

After you have linked your ACT Health account with your primary account, you will be able to log into Canberra Script using your ACT Health account.

  1. If you have recently logged in, your account name is displayed.

    Click it to continue. Otherwise, select Use another account.

  2. Enter your ACT Health Username.

  3. If you are already logged into another application using your SSO credentials, you will be automatically logged in.

    Otherwise, enter your password at the prompt and click Sign in.

  4. You are prompted to create a PIN, which will make it faster to access Canberra Script on this device for the rest of the day.

    Your PIN can be any six letters or numbers.

    Your PIN expires after 12 hours. Each day, the first time you log into Canberra Script on a new device, you must log in, authenticate, and set a PIN. Then, for the next 12 hours, you can use the PIN to access Canberra Script on this device.

  5. Enter a PIN, then click OK.

    Your PIN is saved, and you are logged into Canberra Script.

When you are logged in with your ACT Health username, the user profile menu (top right) has fewer options than if you are logged in with your primary account.

Remove a linked account

Before you can remove a linked account, you need to be logged in with your primary account. Your primary account is the username and password that you registered with and is not an ACT Health email address.

  1. From the user profile menu (top right), select Linked Accounts.

    The Manage Linked User Accounts screen displays with your linked ACT Health Account.

  2. Click Remove Linked Account.

  3. Click Yes to confirm.